A Study on Collision and Empathy



In A Study on Collision and Empathy, two dance artists with their own histories, priorities and aspirations agree to perform a duet while exploring their own process; sometimes parallel and sometimes intersecting. Using a game, virtuosic movement and their voices, they negotiate compromise and embrace togetherness.


Choreography / Performance: Justin de Luna and David Norsworthy

Mentoring / Dramaturgy: Lee Su-Feh

Music: Victoria Cheong

Costumes: Valerie Calam

Lighting Design: Gabriel Cropley


This work was commissioned by CanAsian Dance as a part of the KickStart Program.

Our creative process was supported in part by the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council.

Photos by Francesca Chudnoff.


  • May 2018: Work-In-Progress Showing at the Pulse Ontario Dance Conference at York University (Toronto, ON, Canada)

  • September 2018: Premiere at CanAsian Dance’s KickStart Festival at the Theatre Centre (Toronto, ON, Canada)


Special thanks to the following individuals and organizations for their support: Denise Fujiwara, Adina Herling and the CanAsian Dance team, HopBopShop, Susan Alexander / Ballet Divertimento, Pulse Ontario High School Dance Conference, Sophie Myles and Francesca Chudnoff.